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Thursday, September 02, 2004

You know what the worst thing about not having an office anymore and going back to the cube farm life? You’re forced to listen to your cube mates’ stupid political opinions. It makes me wonder if people use their brain for something other than stuffing food into their faces and going to the bathroom.

Despite what anyone thinks about the content of Zel Miller’s speech at the Republican National Convention, as a peace of political gamemanship the speech was tactically brilliant. Miller’s speech was designed for one purpose and one purpose only, to energize the GOP base. If it scared some people sitting on the fence about the election, then fine. There are very few people sitting in the middle at this point anyway. With less than 70 days before the election, it’s all about getting the troops on the ground excited for the battle ahead. And as someone on Chris Matthew’s Hardball coverage said last night, the GOP are street fighters and have the best troops on the ground willing to fight for their four more years.

They showed their strength with the Florida election debacle in 2000, with Gore’s people not knowing what the heck was really going on with Florida. I have friends that went down from DC to Florida to help count the vote, and they told me horror stories about disorganized the democratic party was down there.

Chris Matthew’s favourite quote is “elections are always local”. And you know what he’s right. It’s about which party has the muscle to get people out there on knock on every door, in every single precinct across the country to get out the vote. With the demos fighting with the greens and independents for their base in every local election across the country, they just don’t have the troops to do it. The democratic party is fractured at the local level. And it’s at the local level that elections are won and lost, because elections are won and lost one vote/one person at a time.

I just have to take at my own city’s politics to see the weakness of the democratic party. I look at New York City where one of out of every five people are democratics, with their republican mayor. And you know what, I hate that I’m a political realist because I can see the future and I don’t really like what I see.

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