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Thursday, September 02, 2004

I think I am so over my job and kind of really dislike it here, because I had to make a comment about the Zel Miller speech in a department meeting especially when one of my cube mates said it was an awful speech. I’m sure I made some enemies with that statement. And I don't really care either. Then the person who made the comment about the awful Zel speech wanted the whole group to go to the lunch, and I decided not to go. I was sure I was going to get cornered on that statement and I didn't want to deal with it. I've been such a bad corporate citizen today.

Some people just take politics so personally. You can’t have a discussion about which political tactics work or not. I don't really like this person anyway, and she's so arrogant about her politics that I just wanted to take her down a bit. Mean, huh? What's ironic is that she was right about the Zel Miller speech.

Of course, the Zel Miller speech was awful. Of course the guy totally twisted the truth about John Kerry’s voting record to make a dramatic point. But that’s not the point. The point is the democrats didn’t have a “Zel Miller” type at their convention, and that was a huge mistake. I don’t know why either, because the media keeps saying that moderate republicans aren’t going to vote for the Shrubmeister. If this is true, why couldn’t the DNC have trotted one out at their convention? Talk about a tactical error on the DNC’s part.

Which brings me to the second point. There wasn’t a rallying the base/red meat speaker at the democratic convention, who has street cred. And no, the Al Sharpton speech doesn’t count because that guy is totally scary.

The saddest thing about the whole Zel Miller incident is that Georgia was the last democratic stronghold in the south, and we now have confirmation that the south has gone totally red and republican. What the heck happened to the south? At one time the south was totally democrat region, and now well, it’s just not.

Of course the funniest thing about the Zel Miller incident was watching him and Chris Matthews get into a nasty verbal fight afterwards, and Matthews like totally freaking out because Miller totally let him have it. Poor Chris … I think the guy was in total shock because he finally met his match, someone who could argue with him toe for toe and then some. Chris usually manages to shout his interviewees down or browbeat them to death. Not Zel Miller though. The old guy was still on fire with that fire and brimstone speech he gave. Go Zel!

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