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Saturday, March 26, 2005

I suppose I should comment on the Terri Schiavo case, although unless the rest of the nation I'm not that traumatized. I've been hearing about this case for about six weeks now, and I don't know, I'm not really moved. Callous isn't it?

It just makes me think that if you're that concerned about it, you should make sure that you have a written directive about what should happen in case you're in Terri's position. My brother knows that if I ever am brain dead, I would want him to pull my plug or let me starve to death. What is life without the mind anyway? I wouldn't want to be an emotional or financial burden to my family.

I feel bad for the Terri's husband and for Terri herself. Her husband had been trying to do this for 15 years and this the third time she's been starved to death. Why would her family want to subject her to 15 years of this is a mystery?

And you know, everyone assumes that Terri's parents treated her well while she was alive. What if that wasn't true? What if they were bad parents in her youth, and this is their guilt trip way of making it up to her? No one ever talks about that. It would be like that scene at the end of "Chinatown" where the Faye Dunaway's grand daughter goes off with the incestous grandfather. Or the people who insist that if a woman who gets pregnant from a rapist, that the woman should carry the baby to full term.

You know the only people who ever benefit from a national traumatic event like this are the laywers. They'll be making money from people wanting to put together living directives so they don't end up like Terri Schiavo. Lawyers always make money in times like these.

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