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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I think I had a visitation from an angel on St. Patricks Day a couple of weeks ago. I was on the train going to work, and I was reading a book on Remote Viewing (Mind to Mind by Rene Warcollier). I had closed my eyes to nap, and when I opened them this man sitting on the side of me asked me if I liked the book. We started conversing and he said something about synchronocities and then he got off at the next stop. When I meditated on the experience a few days later, I got the feeling that he was an angel reminding to pay attention to synchronicities.

The guy looked kind of strange as well. He kind of reminded me of this Amish guy I saw at Chicago Greyhound station. He had kind of odd haircut, like really old fashioned and cropped, and his features were ancient, like he could have a monk in the movie "The Name of the Rose". If you've ever sent that movie, you'll know what I'm talking about. Some of the guys they had in that movie looked they were from another century and it wasn't just their costumes, it was their facial features. You just don't see men with those kinds of features walking down the street of a modern city. I'm not quite sure how to explain it either, but again if you've seen the movie you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

If he was an angel, this was my second angel visitation. My first one was in 1990's sometime. I was walking home from church and it was raining and I had forgotten to bring my umbrella. I was really depressed that day too. I was dating someone at the time whom I really liked, but he was your classic "bad frat boy". I knew it was not a good relationship for me, but the guy was so much fun, really really smart, so charming and really, really cute. I spent all service telling JC I needed a sign that every was going to be okay.

A woman asked me if I wanted to share her umbrella with her as she was going in the same direction I was. I looked at her and was shocked because no one had ever asked me that before. She has a nice smile and friendly face and kind of reminded me of a nun, although she wasn't wearing a nun's outfit. So we walked up the hill to my apartment together, didn't actually chat at all, and then at top we said our goodbyes. I turned around a minute later to check her out again, but she was gone.

I don't know who that woman was, but her gesture of generosity really, really touched me deeply. I don't know. Maybe I looked so incredibly depressed and pitiable that when the woman saw me, she felt she had to do something. I don't know. In a big city like San Francisco, her gesture was just so unbelievable. This experience hasn't happened to any of my friends who've lived here all their lives. And I've yet to repeat the experience.

The woman had to be an angel. She looked so otherworldly too, like familiar and yet not familiar. Totally nunlike, but she definitely wasn't in the outfit.

So now I'm into angels and am attending an angel seminar this Sunday being given by Doreen Virtue, who's written all these books on angels. I found out about the seminar by accident, by sychronicity, and I'm going and I'm excited. Maybe my muni angel boy will be there, or others angel boys like him.

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