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Monday, July 01, 2024

Day 180 Bible Readings for June 30 – Acts 19: 14-15 (ESV)

 1 Kings 22, Acts 19: 14-41, Psalm 99

Acts 19: 14-15 (ESV)

“Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this. But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?”

Verses 14 through 15 from Acts 19 shows us another supernatural story from the Bible. The sons of the Jewish high priests, who were exorcists, decided to copy Paul and invoked the name of Jesus while doing their work of removing evil spirits. But they weren’t true believers of Jesus, and the evil spirit knew it and called them on it. I’m sure they were shocked as I was shocked reading these verses. One of the Bible commentaries I read said that the evil spirits always know who their enemies, and these sons of Sceva were not known by them because they really did not believe in Jesus.

I was talking to a church friend, and she told me that she knew that were many people in our congregation who are regular church goers, but who aren’t saved and don’t really believe in Jesus. I find this shocking and odd. Why even go to church unless you believe in Jesus Christ? These people are in essence like the sons of Sceva, invoking the names of Jesus but not really believing in him. My church friend told me we need to always pray for the people around us in church to be saved, in case they aren’t true believers of Christ. Luckily for them, God is not like the evil spirit. God is patient with us and will wait until we want to be saved, and he will rejoice like the father with the prodigal son that his son has been saved.

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