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Friday, March 28, 2003

A rocket lands near a shopping mall in Kuwait City, and reporter on the radio said there was an acrid smell, Large Explosion Rocks Kuwait City Mall. Scary!!!

You know people are just hiding with their gas masks on. What a strange attack. In the morning, which means very few people were probably there, and at Kuwait of all places.
More WMD stories from Iraq, and this one is from the venerable NY Times, Army Reports Iraq Is Moving Toxic Arms to Its Troops.

What will the french and the protestors say now? Still, I pray to God that this scenario never happens.
A mainstream news outlet, PBS, covered the story about the troops finding gas masks, nerve agent antidotes and chemica suits,War News Roundup - 3/26/2003.
Everyone has an agenda. The following appeared on Al Jazeera's website, Egyptian Economist: Economic Interests Guide the French, Germans, and Russians Toward Baghdad.

Thursday, March 27, 2003

So maybe my prediction about the war lasting six weeks wasn't that far off. I just found out Gulf War 1 lasted 6 weeks.

That question that reporter asked Bush and Blair this morning about how long the war will last was so nonsensical. Who can predict how long the war will last? We can't even predict when it will rain, when there will be an earthquake, and after the dot com bomb on the stock markets, we certainly can't predict the profitability of companies or their stocks. Didn't the media brush common business sense aside and say that a company without profits was worth over $100 on Nasdaq?

Who can trust the mainstream media after the way they hyped dot com companies?