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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I just finished my taxes. I got a very small refund last year. I should have renewed my business license, but I didn't. You really get some great tax breaks when you have your own business. Oh well.

I should be glad I'm even getting a refund I guess. I claim 2 on w2 form, and I still end up with a refund. But then again, I have about $1400 in charitable contributions every year. That new donation law really sucks! I guess the charities got tired of getting torn clothing. If I didn't have the charitable deductions, I'm sure I'd owe money on my taxes instead of getting a refund.
I totally hate my desktop! It is so slow. I use my laptop all the time, but I just can't get used to the idea of not having a desktop. That would be so strange. I could just buy a new desktop, but I'm always thinking why bother when I only use my laptop.

My desktop computer is still updating. This is what happens when you don't turn your computer on in months; you spend the whole night having to do all the updates. It is such a drag!
Wow, it's been over a month since I last posted. I've wanted to post but then forgot.

Not much going on really.

I saw the movie "300" and loved it. I am dying to see "Grindhouse" and "Blades of Glory".

On Easter I went to the De Young museum to see the Vivienne Westwood exhibit, and then the made the woman manning the cashier put on the Adam Ant cd so I could hear Antmusic.

I think the beginning of the exhibit would have been so much better if they were playing early 80's english punk music.

I am blogging from my desktop computer which I have not turned on in months, but have to use now to do my taxes. I still have not done my taxes. Can you believe that? I am so bad! I usually have them done by February and now it's April 10 and I still haven't done them.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I got sucked into watching "American Idol" again. A good friend is watching and kept asking me what I thought, so I had to tune in. Hate that!

I'm so glad that freak Antonella got voted off the show. I could not stand that woman mouthing off to Simon Cowell like that. The woman's voice compared to the other strong singers on the show was bad, and she sang with no heart. I think she only lasted this long is because someone put semi-nekkid pictures of her on the internet. I'm sure she put them up herself.

Heard she got offered half a million to be the spokeperson for a porno company. She'll probably take it.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

In the last two weeks, there have been two earthquakes here. One just in the last half hour. At least I was at home for this one. It was interesting to see my floor lamp swinging from side to side. The first one happened at work and it was so scary because I think the buildng is built on rollers, and when the earthquake happened I felt my body swing back and forth.

My office buildng will definitely move alot if I'm at work and it's a big one. I have to remember to dive under my desk in case stuff starts falling down.