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Thursday, August 15, 2024

My Experience with Anointing

The pastor at my church on Wednesday talked about a season in his life where he was very stressed and desperate about what was going on in his life. He talked about "betting the farm" on Jesus and wondering at the time, if he had "bet the farm on Jesus". He finally came to a point in his life where he decided to go all in with God and "bet the farm on Christ",  and the peace it gave him that morning. His issues were still there, but he felt this amazing sense of peace after his decision.

During his talk, I was in tears. I did not go if I had ever decided to go "all in with Jesus."  Would I ever "bet the farm on Jesus?" After all these years with my journey with God, I did not have a definitive answer on whether at any point in my life, I had "bet the farm on God."

My pastor ended up quoting this bible verse - 2 Chronicles 16: 9 -  "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him."

After his talk, my pastor said he was going to anoint anyone with oil who wanted to be anointed and wanted to make the decision to "bet the farm on God." He invited the other pastors and any staff who was there to come up on stage and form a tunnel, so anyone who wanted to get anointed could walk through the tunnel of people. He then invited the pastors to staff to lay their hands on people if inspired and bless the person who had been anointed. 

I decided I need to make a public declaration that I was willing to "bet the farm on God." It was an amazing feel to be anointed with oil, and to walk through the tunnel of people hearing people bless me and/or lay their hands on me. Afterwards, I couldn't fall asleep. It felt like something life changing had happened to me, and my body was too excited and on fire to rest. 

I finally did doze off and when I woke up this morning, I felt refreshed despite getting very little sleep. I have no idea what this anointing experience will do in my life, but I am excited to see what enfolds since I am now "betting the farm on God."

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