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Tuesday, September 09, 2003

The back to back bombings in Israel are bumming me out. And people ask me why I'm not pro-palestinian. Like I'm supposed to support this kind of terrorist bombing, which for me would be like saying America deserved what happened on 9/11. No way! No effing way!

I mean, it's why I can't stand to go to peace rallies in San Francisco. All peace rallies in San Francisco eventually turn into a pro-palestinian, ant-semitic rant. Like the palestinians are not guilty of their horrid terrorists acts against the state of Israel. And as a friend told me the other day, part of the philosophy of the Infitida is to have as any "innocent"
teenagers get "killed" by Israeli's as possible so world opinion goes against Israel.

How bad karma is that. How so not "do unto other as they would have them do unto you". That's what karma says. Treat me a certain way, and I'll treat you the exact same way, only three times worse. Or as most futurists are saying, karma is speeding up now, so you get it back 10 ten times worst.

If being a strong supporter of the state of Israel, the only democracy in the middle east, the only friend of the US in the region, means I get labeled a right wing neo conservative Bush lover, then so be it. Better to be a Shrub loving neo con than an anti-semitic enthusiastic supporter of terrorist bombing.

And you know this is the same group who had the nerve to say the day after 9/11 happened, that those people who threw themselves off the World Trade Center buildings because they were freaked out, deserved to die that way.

Yeah, like some poor schlub who was working as a bus boy or girl at the restaurant at the top of World Trade Center, making minimum wage, deserved to die because of some islamic extremist.

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