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Thursday, September 25, 2003

I received an email from the Nanowrimo folks asking if I was going to write a novel in 30 days in November again. I wasn't sure if I was going to do it, but I told them to put me on the list.

I was at a cafe last night writing in my journal, and I came up with an idea for a novel, and even outlined a possible chapter structure. I didn't think I had any more novel ideas I wanted to pursue, but this one came and I like it.

My last two Nanowrimo novels weren't complete novels, but just the start of novels. I didn't know back then anything about how to structure a novel. Not anymore.

I learned a really cool trick in my writing seminar at Learning Annex last month, on how to outline a story, and so far it's been working. Actually, I'm combining outlining ideas I learned in my screenwriting class with the new technique I learned in last month's class.

So I'm going to attempt to write a novel from start to finish this time, and it will be a romance of sorts.

For some reason I was thinking about my good friend B from Dallas, who I don't talk to anymore because he said he couldn't be friends with me without wanting soemthing more. I still miss him, but he did what he had to do for his own well-being and I can't him fault him for doing that. But B from Dallas was such a trip and a character, that I was thinking he would make a great fictional character if I amped him up big time.

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