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Wednesday, September 03, 2003

So I've gotten myself hooked on a TV show, this time a Brit one called MI-5 in the states and Spooks in the UK.

I've watched bits of it here and there, but there was a marathon on Labor Day and I really got into it.

I'm in love with Tom, the main character. He's definitely a stud-muffie, femmie boy brit style. Oh those femme boys from the Brittish Isles ... what is it about them that are so attractive?

This one is on paper is not even that physically attractive with his pasty white face. But at least thank god, he's doesn't wax his chest hairs. The hairless chest look on a guy is just so icky!!!

They're femme, but they look like they could slit your throat open without a second thought. It's such an odd combination, but bizarrely attractive.

They have the femme boy eyes and mannerisms, the skinny but buff bods, and that sense that they're mean as heck underneath it all if crossed and or in the right mood, but also sweet too like puppy dogs. Like I said, they're attractive but you're never quite sure why.

Maybe I just love his character. He's so sharp, knows everything, and boy can he fire that gun and kill those terrorists.

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