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Sunday, August 28, 2005

I'm watching this crazy show on E called "The Girls Next Door". It's about the girls who live at the Playboy mansion with Hugh Hefner. God, those girls are not attractive. They have great bodies and huge racks, but they look all so trashy. And I'm sorry they all come across as so dumb.

I think they all want to marry Hugh Hefner and have his children, and I'm like why. Okay, the guy is filthy rich but he's so old and not attractive. What's weird is that they don't seem jealous of all the other girls, which I think is really, really strange.

It's mesmerizing to watch though because these chicks are such freaks.
I've been watching the news about Hurricane Katrina off and on. It feels like I'm watching a movie to see the interstates filled with people fleeing for safety. But it's not, it's real life.

I hate when people talk about losing New Orleans, but I guess it could happen. And it was weird when one of the newcasters said the people of New Orleans have been expecting this to happen for years, and now it's like happening. YIKES!
Things with M-Square have been getting better. We've had the best talks these past two days. Last night we talked for two hours, and the time just flew by and it was so comfortable. Usually by this time boredom starts to creep into my mind in almost all my relationships. But miraculously it hasn't happened yet, and right now it doesn't look it ever will.

The man is just so frickin' amazing! He's got some serious issues, but then so do I. We decided that whatever happens, we will always be friends so I'm happy about that. He is just so cool!

It's hard not get significant at this point because we've put off meeting each for so long. But I met a woman in a seminar yesterday who told me, she knews a guy from here and a woman in Chicago who met on the phone like we did and had a telephone relationship for months before they finally met. They didn't even exchange pictures, and then they finally met and now they're married. The woman from the seminar said this is what her guy friend told her when he first met the woman from Chicago. The first five minutes were awkward and full of judgements, but then he started to remember everything that brought them together and it was fine, and now they're married.

M-Square gets so significant sometimes, so I have to calm him down. But it's human nature to feel that way, but we're trying to have the attitude of "no expectations". Intuitively I think everything will be fine when we meet, and he has the same intuition as well.
It's been a weird week, too weird to write about I guess.

I thought last week that maybe work was getting better. Everyone at work was nicer, or at least trying to act nicer. What an illusion that was though!

On Tuesday, the senior manager I don't get along with took the group out to lunch and it was so damned awkward for me and other guy who don't get along with her. These are the times when I feel that my dysfunctional family training really came in handy. Just even walking to the restaurant was awful. But I got through it and I had a second interview at the place I interviewed with last week.

It turns out the job was better than I thought, and I'm excied now. I have a third phone interview on Monday and if works out I'll get an in-person interview, and then hopefully I'll be able to hand in my resignation and start a new job. My friend who is very psychic said she is getting good vibes about me getting the job.

I wrote a list of what my ideal job should be like, and this job is 90% of the list. It's not 100%, but 90% is not bad either. I'm so stressed out at my current job, that probably any job is sounding good right now.

The negative energy in my group is just so awful. I felt it as soon as I arrived at my desk. I don't trust my co-workers. They haven't done anything wrong, but intuitively they feel so toxic to me. I've always been able to deal with all kinds of freaks at my jobs, and there's been plenty. But I can't do it any more. It's a little shocking to me, but you know life is just too short to get up in the morning dreading your job. I love two of my bosses, and I like some of the people at my job, but I can't be around people who are so toxic to me.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

How shocking! A 49er football player died after the Denver exhibition game and he was only 23 years old. Poor guy!