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Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Below are two interesting perspectives on the San Francisco mayoral race from two SF political blogs that I really like.

Where's Gonzo?

A View from the Field

The second link brings up an interesting point for me, and you can blame it on my stint as a long term strategic business analyst.

What happens after the mayor's race?

The legacy of Willie Brown has been the whittling down of the power of the San Francisco mayor's office, with the power going back to the district supervisors. Most of the power to get things done in city hall really resides with the president of the Board of Supervisors. Oh sure, the mayor's seat is still important but equally if not more important is the President of the Board of Supervisors.

So I'm thinking, Newsome can't lose. He either wins the mayor's race, or he becomes the president of the Board of Superviors, an equally if not more powerful although not as glamorous job.

One thing which the dotcom CEO also brought, was that if you're at the top you have to be professional at all times. My ex-boss female CIO tried to instill this point in me. She never gave away her true feelings ever in public; she was always polite and professional. She told me that "you never know when you'll have to work closely with or need a favour from someone that you totally hate. It's best to be on a friendly basis with everyone."

Whoever wins the races, one thing is for sure; they're going to have to work with each other in the future. Whether they can or not is going to be interesting to watch.

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