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Friday, December 05, 2003

This is how weird things are in San Francisco with regard to politics.

First, read this article out; S.F. Mayor's Race 2003: View From the Neighborhoods
A Green enclave Family-oriented Outer Sunset is largely Newsom Country -- but Gonzalez reigns by the dunes

Apparently you're a conservative, according the left and the greens, if:

1) you own your own dwelling and don't rent
2) you want to live in a quiet neighbourhood
3) you're married and have kids
3) you have kids and want to live in a district that has good public schools
4) you own your own business
5) you're considered working or middle class.

How messed up in the head do you have to be to think like this? I was so insulted by this article.

I lived out at the Great Highway for a time, and our neighbours were working class people who were struggling to raise their families. What the heck is wrong with that?

I don't understand why normal people get so dissed in San Francisco. It's so weird, it's so bad, it's positively evil, and frankly it's incredibly bad, bad karma!

Reading that SFGate article made me realize why the GOP is able to gain so much ground against the Demos. Is it any wonder that democrats and the left are being outflanked politically in a serious way by the republicans?

If you're "normal", the left and the democrats sure as heck don't want your kind polluting the party. And that's not good, because the majority of the country is working or middle class, wants to own property, has families with kids who attend public school, and just want to be able to take care of their families in the best way they can, and live a good life.

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