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Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Beyond Paradise movie on Tubi - with authentic Hawaii accents

 I recently watching the movie "Beyond Paradise" on Tubi - Tubi.

Not the best movie I've seen, but what I really loved was it sounds like they actually cast actors who can do a decent Hawaii accent. Either they are local actors or the dialect coaching is just spot on, but I was really shocked how good the good the accents were on the kids and the local people.

Since I grew up in Hawaii, I can listen to someone's accent and can tell if they grew up in Hawaii. Some people have the accent down pat because they moved to Hawaii as children or have lived there for a very long time. But they give themselves away as not being born in Hawaii, because they will pronounce a word or say a phrase and it just stands out because no one who was born in and spent their first five years in the Islands would ever pronounce a word that way or say that phrase. Or if they do say a phrase like "gee wiz", they will say it in a pidgin accent and not in a standard American accent. 

If you want to hear what sounds to be authentic Hawaiian accents at least to my ears, check this movie out!

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