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Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Day 154 Bible Readings - Acts 1: 7 (ESV)

2 Samuel 3: 22-39, 2 Samuel 4, Acts 1, Psalm 85: 1-7

Acts 1: 7 (ESV)

“He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.”

Verse 7 from Acts is the response Christ gave to his disciples when they asked him when he would restore the kingdom of Israel. It was an important question for them since they knew from the Last Supper that Jesus had instituted a new covenant with them. But Jesus chose not to answer them because the answer might have discouraged them, and he did not want to do that.

I like this verse because I read it I can just imagine what his disciples must have felt when Jesus gave this answer. I’m sure they felt bewildered, frustrated, and confused. Jesus didn’t say No to the question, but he did give them a definite answer. It made me think of all the times in my prayers I have asked God over and over and over again when I would get an answer to a question, and the answer I would always hear is “soon” or “it depends on timing.” This experience has always been very frustrating to me because I couldn’t understand why God wouldn’t give me a direct or straight answer. He must know the timing; why doesn’t he just tell me? But after reading this verse, I now know that if Jesus had given me the answer I was looking for I might have been discouraged or depressed. And God wanted to spare me from experiencing discouragement and depression because he loves me as a father loves his child. God is always looking out for us and we must remember that, even though we sometimes experience frustration when we don’t get an answer right away to our prayers.

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