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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Waiting is Biblical

I think Holy Spirit is teaching me that to wait is biblical. It is a hard lesson because I am a naturally inpatient person. I remember becoming so frustrated as a child if I couldn't figure out a puzzle right away. I wasn't the type of child to keep doing the puzzle until I got it right. Not me. I would get upset and knock the puzzle over and stamp away in frustration mumbling "stupid puzzle!"

As I've grown older, I've learned to be patient but it's still not easy. I like doing puzzles now even though it takes days for me to do them. I enjoy the process of working on puzzles till there complete, and have even learned to work on them daily instead of spending hours on it. 

When I took jiu jitsu for a few months, I learned to be patient when I didn't get the exercises right away. I still remember when a teaching assistant showed me how to front roll because I wasn't getting it. Once he showed me, I got it and was so proud of myself. I even learned to front roll and stand up straight, which impressed the teaching assistant. During that night of learning to front roll, the students in the class set up obstacles to see how far you could fly and still front roll. You had to do a running start and let yourself fly through the air over the obstacles and do a front roll. Now that I think about it was kind of dangerous, and not everyone participated but I did. I made it the second to the last obstacle course and did my front roll and stood up at the end impressing everyone in my class. 

When Holy Spirit is trying to teach me something, books show up randomly in my email Inbox to help me. This is the book that showed up - Mark Vroegop called "Waiting isn't a waste: The surprising comfort of trusting God in the uncertainties of life." Here's a bible passage from the book:

"They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31.

There's also an article from the book author on the Crossway website - How (and How Not) to Wait.

I still hate waiting, but I am learning that if I become inpatient than it means I am not trusting God and the Holy Spirit to lead me in my life. Thinking that I don't trust God seems more horrible to me than the act of waiting, so I am learning to wait and taking comfort from all the bible passages on waiting. 

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