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Monday, June 24, 2024

Day 174 Bible Readings – 1 Kings 11: 39 (ESV)

1 Kings 11: 14-43, 1 Kings 12: 1-24, Acts 15: 22-41, Psalm 94: 1-11

1 Kings 11: 39 (ESV)

“And I will afflict the offspring of David because of this, but not forever.’”

Verse 39 from 1 Kings 11 shows the compassion of God to Solomon and his descendants, even though Solomon had disobeyed God in his old age and started worshipping other Gods. God did punish the descendants of Solomon, but because he made a promise to David who was faithful to him the punishment would not be forever. God would bring the messiah Jesus Christ who would come from the line of David.

When we are disobedient to God, we are punished but the punishment is not for all time. God remembers his promises to us and will fulfill his promise to us in the end. But in the meantime, until God does fulfill his promises to us, we will be tested in our faith. But this testing will make us stronger in our faith and more reliant on God than we had been before the testing. We need to have faith in God that he knows what is needed for us to become closer to him, even if to become closer our faith will be tested. But only in testing, can the depth of our faith be revealed to us.

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