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Friday, June 07, 2024

Day 156 Bible Readings – 2 Samuel 7: 28 (ESV)

I attended an all-day event yesterday and it fried me. I went to bed as soon as I came home, so I missed my bible readings. These readings are for June 6.

Day 156 Bible Readings – 2 Samuel 7: 28 (ESV)

2 Samuel 7 & 8, Acts 2: 22-47, Psalm 86: 1-10

2 Samuel 7: 28 (ESV)

“And now, O Lord God, you are God, and your words are true, and you have promised this good thing to your servant.”

Verse 7 from 2 Samuel 7 shows how much faith David had in God. It took quite a long time for David to finally become king of Israel. He spent many years on the run from King Saul and refused to kill him because he was an anointed king. But like all of us, David went through a period of despair with God and joined the Philistines for a time. When Saul finally died, there was still strife in his kingdom as he did not want to force his reign on the kingdom. So David had to endure 7 years and six months of his kingdom being split and ruled by two kings. When he finally became king of Israel, he ruled for 33 years.

David had experience with waiting and seeing God’s promises to him eventually come true from the time he killed Goliath at around age 16 to the time he became the only king of Israel at age 30. David’s declaration about God in verse 7 is the foundation of his faith because he knew God was God, and based on his experiences God can be trusted. I know God is God, but I think I sometimes waver on whether God’s words are true as I am still waiting for some big promises that God made to me. But perhaps this is the nature of people a sinful person, we always have doubt in God and therefore have the need to renew our faith in God daily.

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