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Monday, February 03, 2003

I saw the Winslow Homer watercolour exhibit at the Legion of Fine Arts today. Homer painted exquisite watercolours of his favorite pastime, fly fishing. His use of colour was amazing, and his mixing of greens and oranges reminded so much of how Cezanne mixed these two colours together. Once you see an Cezanne oragne, you never forget it. I can recognize a Cezanne painting just by the colour orange.

Homer also does fantastic water and rushing water scenes, which is amazing since he did it with watercolour, which is such a delicate medium to work with. Homer's blues are beautiful. What I like most about his watercolours was how close he got the colours to match what you actually see in nature. To match what nature can do with colour takes genius, and Homer definitely had the genius touch.

The exhibit showed a few of his Florida paintings, and he minute brushwork to portray the spanish moss hanging from tree, or the delicate palm fronds were incredible.

Although the subject matter of trout and anglers was not very interesting to me, to see Homer's genius with watercolour and his delicate brushwork was a fantastic experience.

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