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Monday, February 10, 2003

I'm reading this really interesting book called "God Talk: Travels in Spiritual America" by Brad Gooch. A friend in my Wednesday night bible class gave it to me to read, and I'm really enjoying it.

What's fascinating to me is I know about all the alternative religions he's talking about. I know people who are into the Urantia Book and the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ. A good friend is a well known TM teacher in Berkeley, and whose boyfriend was meditating in India with Beatles. I know people who are into Gurumayi, Yogananda, Vivikenanda, Ramakrishna, and I know someone who even studied with Fred Lenz.

What's interesting is how many people are searching outside of mainstream christian religion for answers that they're not getting. I did the same, but ended coming back to Christianity because it was my first religion. I did find what these other spiritual seekers were looking for in the religion of my childhood, but I think only be exploring other alternatives and finding out that my childhood religion had all the answers all along. I just didn't know it at the time and needed to leave to find out.

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