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Saturday, February 08, 2003

I went to the gym today, and I decided to see how I felt running on the treadmill. I haven't run in so long. When was I was heavy, runnig was really painful and then there was the freaky feeling of having body parts like my butt jiggle that never jiggled before. Talk about your body moving without you.

I ran at the 4.5 speed for 15 minutes, then upped it to 5.0 for five minutes, and then upped it again to 5.5 minutes (about an 11 minute mile) for the final five minutes. I couldn't believe it! 25 minutes of solid running, and I wasn't sore and the only thing jiggling was my tummy. YEAH!

God, I would love to run a 10k again or at least train for one. The Far Side 10K is in December, and that would be a good race to shoot for. They always give out cool tshirts too.

I used to love to run, and logged about 15-25 miles a week. I ran two miles every day, and every weekend a long run of 5-10 miles. Running always made me feel strong and healthy, and I'd like to get that feeling back. I'm not sure if I'm ready for outdoor running, but just being able to run without stopping for 25 minutes on the treadmill is good enough for me right now. I wonder if I'll ever get back to the point where I can do do trail running, and have no fear of big hills. That would be a miracle.

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