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Tuesday, February 18, 2003

I still haven't filed my taxes, even though I'm getitng a big refund. I just haven't had the time time to review everything, but I'll probably send it this weekend. I decided to purchase Itsdeductable, a software program that you can use to track your deductions. I mostly got it so I can fully deduct my clothing donations. With all this weight loss, I have alot of clothes that I'll need to give away. I went through my closet yesterday,and was able to fill three shopping bags. Most of the clothes I'm donating are clothes that are now too big and I never really liked anyway, or have some kind of problem like it's not stylish.

I'm throwing out 16 tshirts, mostly old ones that I haven't worn in years and are now just way too big. The Itsdeduductible program values things a little bit more than I was doing in the past, but not by much. I don't normally throw clothes away until they're pretty well worn, and I don't really have too many expensive items. I've tried to give away to friends the really expensive clothes, which they seem to appreciate. I go over to this one friend's house, and her closet is full of my clothes. There's something so comforting about that.

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