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Wednesday, March 19, 2003

People are talking about shutting down the city of San Francisco with protests and civil disobedience to stop the money war machine. San Francisco is is such an economic slump, and the city currently has the biggest glut of office space in last 20 years. San Francisco has already been economically damaged by the dot com bust, so it's not the ecnomic engine it used to be. San Francisco is in fact, an economic hell hole right now.

If protestors really wanted to shut down the economic war machine, they should shut down Washington DC and Pentagon City, or Wall Street in NYC, or the Chicago Board of Trade, and not my already economically ravaged city.

Personally, I think the anti-war protests and the shut down of the city will have the opposite effect. I think people will just get upset, and turn away from the anti-war protests. I'm listening to a representive from anti-war protest organizers, and he's totally pissing me off. He is such a jerk! Talk about whiny and not answering any directly any of the questions that people are asking him. He's worse than any slimy politicianm who won't answer a question directly. I can see the headlines now, downtown San Francisco workers getting into fights with anti-war protestors. Great!

Whatever. This is one of the few times I'm glad I don't work in the downtown Financial District of San Francisco.

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