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Saturday, March 22, 2003

That grenade and shooting attack with the 101st Airborne unit is very shocking. Out of the 13 wounded, CNN is reporting that one person has already died. Supposedly an american soldier was involved, and I heard a military commentator on CNN or MSNBC say that this kind of thing used to happen all the time during the Vietnam War. The commentator said when he first heard of the incident, he thought it might be the work of a disgruntled soldier.

I can't help but think that some of the anger of the protestors is generated by their irrational hatred of George Bush. If a democrat was President like Al Gore or even Bill Clinton, I wonder if the protests would be as large. I wonder if Bill Clinton was leading us into a war with Iraq, would the conservative commentators be the ones demonstrating because of their irrational hatred of Bill Clinton. I don't remember people demonstrating when the US military into Bosnia and Kosovo, and we didn't have UN approval to do that.

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