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Friday, August 06, 2004

Check out this really silly story on, FIELD POLL: Kerry keeps 12-point lead over Bush in California Bay Area provides challenger with strongest support. This is one of the reasons why I sometimes hate living in the crazy bubble world that is San Francisco. Like this is earth shattering news? Like this is really going to matter come November? Who the hell gives a flying dufus?

Anyone who really cares about the future of this country should be outraged by the stupidity of this article. Hello! San Francisco has for the last 20 years voted democrat, and it's not likely to change anytime soon. Talk about a stupid and smug self congratulatory, we're better than the rest of you idiots who don't live here, pat on the back. Can't you see a San Francisco voter looking at themselves in the mirror and thinking, "God you're the smartest voter out there is, and to hell with the rest of the country. I'm so politically smart I can stand myself!"

Honestly, California doesn't matter. It's a blue state! The red states are what matters, the states where the election is up for grabs and will be decided on. Now here's a headline that should be on the front page of, "Kerry has a 12-point lead over Bush in Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio." Now that would be news, and worth discussing, cheering, celebrating, and debating about.

But things aren't all that bad here in SF media land, especialy when the SF Weekly's Matt Smith, tells the real truth about the progressives in San Francisco, Progressive Failure: Why San Francisco supervisors who call themselves progressives should get the boot in November.

I used to think the radical republican right were the really scary people, but Matt Smith confirms my notion that the radical left is just as frightening. Both extremes are self-serving, and dirty as the politicians they all say they're fighting against. The progressive left especially are racking up those bad karma points really fast, because they're the most self righteous of the two right now.

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