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Sunday, September 01, 2024

Day 243 Bible Readings – 2 Corinthians 4: 11 (ESV)

Micah 1-4, 2 Corinthians 4, Psalm 122

2 Corinthians 4: 11 (ESV)

“For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.”

Verse 11 from 2 Corinthians 4 shows Paul reminding us that living a life of faith may include suffering like Christ. Christ suffered much during his life when he was rejected by his people for preaching that he was the “son of God.” We have to know that when we proclaim ourselves as believers in Christ, we may experience the same kind of suffering that Jesus went through especially in the modern world. A person of faith does live a life of victory in many ways, but there is also much suffering in the call to follow Christ. I listened to a sermon today where the minister preached that to heed the call of Christ always involves a price that must be paid.

I was struck by this sermon because in my own my life in the last two years, I’ve been on a journey to deepen my relationship with God. Holy Spirit has been teaching me to be completely dependent on God for everything, and while this was something I thought I wanted, I did not know it would involve giving up my own spirit of independence. I prided myself on being independent, strong, and being smart enough to always figure everything out for myself. Giving up my independence has been so hard, and I still struggle with it. But I am learning that I can partner with God instead of having to do everything myself, and that I can always rely on God to help me. Relying on God makes things easier for me, but this is a new thing for me because I only asked God for help as a last resort. Now I am learning to consult with God first before I do anything. It’s a new thing, but I am finding that partnering with God makes things run so much smoother in my life. So yes, I have suffered in my pursuit of God but, I’ve also gained so many great things as well. Is it worth it? I think so, but I think each person of faith will have to make that decision for themselves.

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