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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Day 253 Bible Readings – Isaiah 25: 4-5 (ESV)

Isaiah 24-26, 2 Corinthians 11: 16-33, Psalm 132

Isaiah 25: 4-5 (ESV)

“For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat; for the breath of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall, like heat in a dry place. You subdue the noise of the foreigners; as heat by the shade of a cloud, so the song of the ruthless is put down.”

Verses 4 and 5 from Isaiah 25 shows the prophet Isaiah praising God for his goodness to people who pray to him in times of distress. God has been good to people who are poor, those who are needy and in distress, those who are in the season of afflictions which seems like storms in their lives. Having God on your side is like having shelter I a storm or shade from the heat. God also will bring justice to those who are against God’s people.

I like how Isaiah describes all the ways we can expect God to behave if we have in him. God is always there for us in seasons of distress and troubles in our lives. If we have faith in God, we do not have to do everything ourselves because we will always have help from God. He will not abandon us or leave us to suffer. And we can expect justice from God on those who trouble us, although that justice always happens in God’s timing and not ours. I don’t know how people without faith go through a season of trouble. They must experience a terrible type of fear and anxiety thinking they are all alone with no one to help them. But people of faith have no such fear and anxiety since they know they can rely on God to help through a season of trouble.

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