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Thursday, September 05, 2024

Day 247 Bible Readings – Isaiah 7: 14 (ESV)

Isaiah 5-7, 2 Corinthians 7, Psalm 126

Isaiah 7: 14 (ESV)

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

Verse 14 from Isaiah 7 give us one of the most famous prophecies of the coming of Christ in the Old Testament. I love these prophecies of the birth of Christ in the Old Testament. It shows to me that God has a plan that sees far into the future what will be needed to save his people and save every one of us who has faith in Christ. I love signs. I know that we are not supposed to test God and look for signs, but I love signs. I always look for signs in my life of God’s guidance to me. They are almost all of the time small signs, but occasionally I will get a bigger sign. But to find the signs, I must always follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

I have been doing intercessory prayers, and I’ve always wondered if I have been doing them correctly and prayed to God to give me guidance. I was invited to go to an event at my church this week, and while it wasn’t something that interested me the Holy Spirit told me to attend the event. When I went to the event, I found out that they are going to be studying a book on intercessory prayer. Was it a coincidence? Not for me. God heard my prayer, and I discovered inadvertently a book on intercessory prayer. Had I not followed the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I would never have found the book. God send me a sign and an answer to my prayer!

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