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Monday, May 20, 2024

Day 139 Bible Reading - John 11: 21-22 (ESV)

1 Samuel 2: 27-36, 1 Samuel 3 & 4, John 11: 1-44, Psalm 78: 1-8

John 11: 21-22 (ESV)

“Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.”

Verses 21 through 22 from John 11 shows the faith of Martha, the sister of Lazarus. Even in her grief over her brother’s death, she tells Jesus she still has faith in him. This is the test for anyone who believes in Christ. Will your faith still be there even though God has not answered your prayers? Will you still have faith even in the depths of your sorrow and grief and disappointment that God did give you the miracle you were asking for?

I don’t think I have this kind of faith. I never gave up on my faith in God even when I was disappointed in not having my prayers answered, but I don’t remember still having faith in God during my disappointment and grief. My prayers are that one day, when I am in grief and sadness, I will still have faith in God like Martha did. I think that’s why her story is included in the gospels, because she is a role model for the depth of faith in times of grief and sadness.

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