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Sunday, November 02, 2003

I was supposed to start writing my Nanowrimo novel last night, but went to bed instead. It's a good thing, the novel started writing itself in my head yesterday on the train ride home.

I was trying to think about what I was going to write about last night, and then all of a sudden my main character Jane started talking in my head and dictating the novel. I think about the character, and all of a sudden it's like I hear them talking in my head and telling me their story.

My first chapter is on Jane and introducing her character. The second chapter will be introducing Marshall, the other main character. I actually have how his chapter starts in my head as well.

So this morning I sat down at my computer, and tried to remember and type up what Jane said last night. I ended up typing up 1,811 words, which is way past my daily word count of 1,667. I need to type another 1,667 words this evening for my day two count.

So far so good with the novel. I woke up freaked out that I didn't start it yesterday, but now that I've started writing I think it will go okay.

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