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Sunday, November 09, 2003

So I'm finally caught up to my day 9 Nanowrimo word total. I've written 15,000+ plus words, and finished four chapters.

I had to force myself to sit down and write. I had to keep telling myself that I had chosen to do this, that I wasn't a victim. That I signed up to write 50K words in a 30 days, because it's a good thing, because it proves to me that I can write practically every day if I choose to, and that I can get a ton done if I put my mind to it and choose it.

That's one of the gifts of the Matrix Trilogy for me. To remind me that I choose to do all the things I'm doing, that I'm not a victim, that all of this (my writing obsession) is my choice, and I can choose differently if I want to at each and every moment.

And boy, do I need reminding constantly that I'm choosing to be a writer, which means I have to write, write more, and then write some more, and then keep writing every day of my life probably, until I get a great product.

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