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Thursday, November 06, 2003

Nanowrimo progress. I'm still a day behind, but I've caught up now for Day 5 count at 8,381 words. I'm now on Chapter 3, and hopefully tonight I'll finish the chapter.

I'm trying to decide if I want to post my novel somewhere, so people can read it if they want. But I don't know. It's a first draft, and a production oriented first draft at that, which means I don't have time to edit or go back.

I'm thinking, there's enough bad writing on my blog page and one the web. Do people really want to read more bad prose?

Plus, then there's the pain of uploading the darn thing every day. Issues of copyright. Not to mention the endless bad punctuation, bad spelling, bad dialogue, bad everything that makes up a first draft of a novel.

On the Nanowrimo site, people are posting excerpts of their novel. Some people are even posting their whole novel on the Net. I like the idea of it for sure. Seeing a novel unfold is fun, akin to reading a blog journal I suppose. But I don't know.

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