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Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Howard Fineman on Chris Matthew's Hard Ball show uttered a scary prediction. Fineman said that Howard Dean maybe 2004's Ralph Nader. If Dean decides to fight to the finish for the presidential democratic nomination, he could drain democratic election coffers. Pat Buchanan said as much as well. There wouldn't be enough money left in the demo war chest to run against Bush. Plus, like Nader, Howard Dean would split the democratic party.

The split part has already happened, and the war on Iraq did that. It's the emptying of the democratic war chest that has me worried. Whoever wins the democratic nomination if going to need a ton of cash to run against Bush.

I saw the clips of the speech of Howard Dean that people were kicking around today. On David Letterman, they showed the clip and had Dean's head explode. The guy was definitely about to come unglued.

I can't stand Peggy Noonan, but she did have the funniest comment about Howard Dean. Noonan said that Howard Dean would remind every American woman of the husband or boyfriend they had to slap a restraining order on. Sick but definitely very, very funny!

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