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Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I'm becoming the raging consumer.

I have a subscription to Vanity Fair, and my renewal notice came in the mail for $24.95 for one year and I paid it. I received what would have been the last issue today had I not renewed, and there was an offer card which said I could get renew for $15. This irked because I just paid the higher price.

So I called their customer service and told the operator I just renewed my subscription at the higher price, and it wasn't fair because if I had waited till the last issue I would have saved $9.95.

The operator agreed with me and credited me with 10 more issues. I'm glad I called. Usually I don't care or pay attention to stuff like this, or if I do notice it I just let it go. Not anymore. It pays to call customer service because the worse they can say is no. And if they agree, you save money and saving money is a good thing.

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