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Thursday, January 01, 2004

Talk about embedded journalists. From the blog of H. Brown - SF Bulldog:

"I recall sitting in my office at Gonzo Central at 2am with 6 or 8 other reporters drinking strong liquor and comparing notes from the campaign field. … Adriel Hampton (Murphy’s right, Adriel is the press’s Journalist of the year), Carlos Petroni, Savannah Blackwell, Mike Sugerman, J.K. Dineen & Ethan Fletcher. … Matt Hirsch, Chris Finn, Chance Martin & Randy Shaw."

What were Adriel Hampton (political columnist for the San Francisco Examiner), Mike Sugerman (Reporter, Eyewitness News and Evening Magazine - KPIX Channel 5), J.K. Dineen (reporter - SF Examiner), and Ethan Fletcher (reporter - SF Examiner) doing at the Matt Gonzalez campaign HQ at that hour? There were San Francisco Bay Guardian reporters there as well, but that was to be expected. But the others?

Everyone in the media talked about there being a Gavin Newsome bias in the media, but what about these media people? And wasn’t KPIX Channel 5 the one releasing all those polls that showed Gonzalez ahead of Newsome? A media bias against Newsome? Maybe more like a white lie to cover the media’s own bias I’d say.

“Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice.” Just more evidence that the media is completely biased and won’t admit it, and one more reason why blogs are begging to be important sources of information.

“Liberal media bias” the conservatives whine, and I’m like hmmmm … perhaps there is some truth to that.

Media outlets to be suspicious about: The San Francisco Examiner and Channel 5 - KPIX.

I'm so naive that I used to think that The San Francisco Bay Guardian tried at least to be fair about their reporting. Boy, was I wrong! This last mayoral election so proved that.

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