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Tuesday, January 13, 2004

I supposed I should say something about Paul O'Neill's revelations on 60 minutes. Everyone else seems to be talking about it, and are shocked by what he said.

Me, I'm not. As an avid reader and listener to conspiracy news and talk, O'Neill's assertions were not new. Conspiracy people have been saying for years now that it was only a matter of time before Shrub was going to finish what his father started in Gulf War 1. The events of 9/11 only added to the urgency. In fact, I remember even hearing that Sadam Hussein was even predicting it himself.

It's why I didn't vote for Shrub, but talk about similarities between the Shrubmeister and Clinton.

I remember having doubts about Bill Clinton because of that Flowers girl, and wondering if the allegations about him were true and if history was going to repeat itself. The conservative talk radio shows were harping on this issue, and yet Slick Willie got elected and sure enough the Monica Lewinsky debacle came along. I wasn't shocked then either, since I'd wondered myself if it was going to happen.

So now the same thing happens to Bush. His detractors said that he would go after Hussein, Hussein even knew it himself, and yet Bush got elected. And sure enough, a member of his administration said the plan to go after Iraq was in place before 9/11. And once again, I'm not shocked.

So the mainstream media picks up a story that's been around since 1999. Big deal!

And while I now think the 2004 presidential election will be closer than expected, like Slick Willie, the Shrubmeister will be reelected. History is repeating itself, and it's so spooky!

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