I'm listening to Ron Owens' talk show this morning. Apparently, there are talk shows hosts on KGO who are upset that people are making 9/11 too patriotic. If you want to reinforce your conservative point of view, spend time in San Francisco and listen to the talk shows and read the papers and revel in the idiocacy of overly educated people with way too much money and time on their hands. Living in San Francisco tests the limits of my middle of the road democratic point of view. Sometimes listening to Rush Limbaugh is like a breath of fresh air in the extreme left wing, relativistic, politically correct silly fog of San Francisco Bay Area politics.
The San Francisco Bay Area is supposed to be the most tolerant city in the country, if not the world. What a lie! People here only seem tolerant of those who tout the extreme left wing, politically correct, point of view.
God, what is so wrong on being patriotic on 9/11? The nation went through a tragedy, a great tragedy. Tons of innocent people died, innocent civilians, not military, innocent people who were at their appointed place of work just trying to make a living, just trying to support themselves and their families, just trying to get by in this crazy world of ours by working.
Sometimes I don't understand people. Sometimes I don't understand the intolerance of the extreme left, just as much as I don't understand the intolerance of the extreme right. Sometimes I hear my dead father's voice whispering in my ear, "if those people don't like it here, why don't they just leave and go some place else. America, love it or leave it."
S. Brenda Elfgirl - I was told I am an elf in a parallel life, and I live in the Arizona desert exploring what this means. I've had this blog for a while and I write about the things that interest me. My spiritual teacher told me that my journey in life is about balancing "the perfect oneness of a sweetness heart and the effulgent soul". My inner and outer lives are like parallel lines that will one day meet, but only when there is a new way of thinking. Read on as I try to find the balance.
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